A 'certain' sound is something you hear that you can be sure of.
The word 'certain is defined as:
1. free from doubt or reservation; confident
2. destined; sure to happen
3. inevitable; bound to come
4. established as true or sure
It is certain that Jesus is coming and coming soon.
We may not know the hour or the day but we can be 'certain' of the signs.
1 Peter 4:7 warns us that, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray"
Unless we have our heads deeply buried in the sand, it is impossible not to acknowledge the current reality of the above Scripture. The description of the last days as given to us by Jesus Himself in Matthew 24 is unfolding daily before our eyes. Wars and rumours of wars, nation rising against nation, famines, earthquakes and pestilence-all occurring with greater intensity and frequency like the labor pains of an expectant mother.
The world has become a 'global community' thanks to technology.And the world as a community is looking for answers to the common problems facing every nation. War, the economy and religion are viewed as key areas where ongoing conflicts exist. Answers are being sought to solve these problems for the 'common good'. In other words-in each of these areas we are moving toward a one-world system.
Biblical prophesies that even a decade ago,we couldn't imagine how they might be fulfilled -are now falling into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Issues of national security have ushered in laws and practices that were preciously unheard of. And security as it relates to personal finances has brought into being the 'chip card' which no longer requires a signature-just a pin number.
Not that any born again believer should be worried about these events, but are we concerned? Are we paying attention? Are we, as the Scripture says, "clear minded and self-controlled so we can pray?"
Are we as individuals and sometimes even as the corporate body of Christ-focused on things that 'seem' right-but which neglect the vital preparation of our heart and soul for the sure coming of our Lord? My thoughts may well be perceived as negative by some, and this thinking, I fear, is yet another sure sign that we are, indeed, in the end times.
It's easy to identify the signs that Jesus warned about in the gospels. But what about discerning"the many who would come in His name" who will deceive people? Those who the scriptures foretell will creep in and arise among us and lead many astray?
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2Co 11:13-15)
Our only safeguard against this kind of deception is the Word of God...the Truth!
The moment we begin to depart from God's blueprint either by ommitting things that He has ordained- or by adding and following after humanly devised plans-we begin a downward spiral away from the power and presence of God. And if ever we needed the power and presence of God it is now!
Nothing less will draw the souls of lost men and women. Nothing less will convict their hearts so they can actually understand how lost they are and how in need of a Saviour. Nothing less will cause the church to love and model holiness, "without which no man will see the Lord". It is only as we,the body of Christ, reflect God's glory and lift Him up in our lives that people will be drawn to the Christ alive in us.
God has called us to be salt-not sugar. We cannot fulfil God's purpose by being something we are not. Sugar is often used to disguise or take away the bitter taste of something-to make it easier to swallow. How could we ever conclude that anything in God's Word or anything about His ways needs to be changed or altered to make it more palatable to the unbeliever?
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Heb 13:8)
He's STILL the same.
I am so glad that noone told Peter on the day of Pentecost to be sure that his words were not offensive or to take a more informal approach to God. On that remarkable day-the church was born. The church all churches were meant to pattern themselves after. Pentecost began inside as those believers were gathered together in one mind and in one accord and in obedience to their God who had told them to go there and wait until HE provided the power they needed to BE His witnesses.
It was because the people outside both "saw" and "heard" the real deal that the crowd was drawn that day. It was because the believers were busy BEING the church-and not trying in their own power to make things happen-that God moved. Peter told the truth that day to the unbelieving crowd. His message didn't make them feel good or comfortable. It"pricked their hearts". And the godly sorrow they felt as they listened, worked repentance just like the Scripture promises. (2 Cor 7:10) True conversion only comes as we see ourselves the way Isaiah did when he saw the Lord in His temple. (Isaiah 6) When we see ourselves as undone...as people of unclean lips,minds and hearts-it is the beginning of real change. That's what happned on the day of Pentecost. And it caused those men and women to ask the lifesaving question, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
The answer is the same today as it was back then:
"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. "[Acts 2:38-39]
What a glorious hope lies ahead for those who hear and obey the gospel!
I pray that we will keep in mind the words of our Lord, that in the last days we will be"hated by all men for His name's sake"
Indeed, many have come in His Name, and many have gained a huge following and great popularity. But when the church or any individual Christian is embraced by the world there is DEFINITELY something amiss.Something has been compromised. Remember the devil has a counterfeit for everything. His greatest, most effective deception will take place under the banner of Christianity as he works as "an angel of light", and his ministers "as ministers of righteousness".
His best lie is 99% true. Think about it.
Beware of 'blender' Christianity. We cannot mix the methadologies and philosophies of the world with God's holy Word-not even when they are introduced and applauded by multitudes of recognized leaders. EVERYTHING must be measured by the yardstick of Scripture!
"Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray."
And pray we must! Like it or not- the days ahead may be difficult for those who desire to walk in the ways of God's Word. It is only a matter of time before the Bible is viewed by more than a minority as hate literature. Look around. It's happening. Now is not the time to stop teaching,preaching and living the whole counsel of God! If we don't stand now-we won't stand then.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness" (2Pe 3:10-11)
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