Not on foreign
unfamiliar soil-
Nor in lands
But in the fertile
familiar soil
of our own child’s heart
the Word of Life
must be sown.
It is a mission like no other...
God bestows upon each mother.
He gives us lives to mold~
To train them up in the way they should go~
So that when they are old
They will not depart from it.
Each child’s heart
a tiny garden
Delicate and fresh~
around which we must build
a fence of prayer.
Then patiently...
We sow seeds of truth with care.
Daily we sow and water~
and work the soil with love.
Daily we teach them~
and point them...
to our Heavenly Father above.
This is our great commission.
Nothing matters more~
No task supersedes~
This awesome role
Called Mother.
No other.
Of all the hats we wear
Tops the list.
As we ourselves sit
in heavenly places with Him~
Having agreed to enlist
in the battle
for the souls
of our children.
our duty is to pray
with heart-rending pleas
down on our knees
In our closet
to stay.
Until the presence
and glory of God
is revealed in the hearts
of our daughter or son
Until the battle for their soul
is won.
And we will walk together
on streets of gold
Joy untold
Where the fruit of our womb
will finally
and triumphantly
be God's reward.